In this day and age, businesses love to hype up and overstate their environmental efforts, resulting in the truth often being stretched.But that’s just not us. We hold transparency and authenticity at the heart of our ethos. No greenwashing, no fake hype, just straight facts. We know we’re not perfect, but we’re making the right steps wherever we can to reduce the carbon footprint and overall environmental impact of our operations.

Eliminating glass wastage

Glass has been a staple in the spirits industry, but its environmental repercussions are insane. Despite 74% recycling rates in the UK, packaging production is one of the biggest contributors to carbon footprint in the spirits industry (18.8%). We’re here to change that.  

Presenting the new normal: 

It’s time to move away from glass and we’re leading the charge. Introducing aluminium. 78% less carbon intensive, sourced from 65% recycled aluminium and 100% recyclable. At Trifecta we’re redefining both sustainable packaging and the spirits game. But that’s not all. In our commitment to sustainability, we're excited to be introducing refill cans for all our spirits, in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint even further.  

Conserving Water Resources

Recognizing the global importance of water, we actively minimize wastage in our spirits production process. While closed-loop cooling systems remain an aspiration, all water used in the cooling process finds a purpose in our sister brewery's cold liquor tanks, ultimately being transformed into some class beers, ensuring zero water wastage.

Efficient Transportation for a Greener Journey

Our dedication extends beyond the production process.We’re looking at ways to cut our carbon emissions throughout the whole value chain. Whileour aluminium packaging cuts transport related carbon emissions by 50%, we recognise more can be done. That's why we've teamed up with UPS for our courier services. Their commitment to a greener future aligns perfectly with our ethos. With ambitious goals for carbon neutrality by 2050 and a substantial investment of over $1 billion in alternative fuels and sustainable technology, UPS shares our vision of continuous improvement and environmental stewardship.

intiatives to a greener future

We're not finished yet! At Trifecta we're constantly working on new initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint even further whilst producing spirits of the highest quality. As we progress on this sustainability journey, we appreciate your support. It's not about perfection but a collective effort to make responsible choices for both our exceptional spirits and the environment. Cheers to a greener future!